Saturday, April 17, 2010

Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud......

After a long cold winter, we are enjoying a stunningly beautiful spring. Beautiful sunny days with 'gin clear' skies. The great irony is that we have a cloud of volcanic dust from Iceland in the atmosphere which has succeeded in grounding almost all air traffic over the British Isles and north west Europe for the last three days. The high pressure area sitting over western Europe has bathed us in gentle north easterly breezes and kept the weather sunny. What the airlines (and the economy) could do with is a good old south westerly Atlantic blow - the kind that brings April showers - to send the ash back whence it came.

It must be eerily quiet for those living under the airport flightpaths! We live in an area with a lot of military air activity and it has been strangely quiet for the last few days.

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