Wednesday, February 5, 2014

February: Candlemass and Borrowed Days

Snowdrops, Holnicote

A double rainbow - worth getting wet for!
February: Candlemass and Borrowed Days

February was one of the two months added when the Roman calendar was extended from ten to twelve months. The name February is only a century old. In Shakespeare's time it was known as Feverell. February is always associated with snowdrops. The religious festival of Candlemass falls on February 2nd and the snowdrop was widely known as the 'Candlemass Bell'. The snowdrops in the picture are growing in the woods at Holnicote on Exmoor (a perfect place, incidentally, for a spring walk).

The twelfth to the fourteenth of February are known as 'borrowed days' (borrowed from January) and tradition has it that if the 'borrowed days' are stormy then we will have a good summer. It is also said that if January ends and February begins fine and frosty, there is more winter ahead than behind!

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